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For details on the command-line options, run copyaid --help.


To view the current configuration, use the command copyaid --help. Two lines of the help output list the two configuration file locations. CopyAid configuration files are in TOML format. For detailed information on the TOML format, visit

Default Configuration

Four default tasks make OpenAI API requests:

  • proof: Makes an API request for proofreading. Defaults to the request settings file proofread.toml.

  • light: Makes an API request for light copyediting. Defaults to the request settings file light.toml.

  • heavy: Makes an API request for heavy copyediting (think "copy-storming"). Defaults to the request settings file heavy.toml.

  • stomp: Overwrites the source file with the revision from a new API request. Defaults to the request settings file light.toml.

The following tasks do not make a new API request but work with revisions saved from previous API requests:

  • diff: Runs diff on the saved revisions.

  • vimdiff: Runs vimdiff on the saved revisions.

  • where: Prints the file paths of the saved revisions.

  • clean: Deletes saved revisions for given source files.

  • replace: Overwrites the source file with the saved revision from a previous API request.

File Formats

Each entry in the formats table defines the formatting of copybreaks for a given file format with specific file extensions. The initial configuration includes formats for Markdown and LaTeX. Files with the extensions of a configured format will be parsed for copybreak lines. For more details, see the copybreaks page.


A task consists of an optional request to the OpenAI API followed by an optional chain of react commands.

The request value for each task specifies the request settings file to be used for OpenAI API requests. See the request settings section.

The react value is a list of commands to run on the original source and the saved results of an OpenAI API request. These saved results are from the request of a task if specified or previously saved results. The commands in the list are defined in the [commands] section.

Shell Commands

The [commands] section defines the shell command line to execute. The bash expressions:

  • "$0" expands to the path of the source file, and

  • "$1" expands to the first saved revision returned by the latest API request.

  • "$@" expands to all saved revisions returned by the latest API request.

OpenAI API Key

The optional openai_api_key_file value is the path to a file containing only your OpenAI API key. This path can be relative to the configuration file. If this value is not provided, the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable must be set.


The optional log_format value can be set to json or jsoml to log the exact request sent and response received from the OpenAI API. On most Linux distributions, logs are saved in ~/.local/state/copyaid/log. Logs in JSOML are easier to read, diff, and copy-and-paste from than in JSON. If jsoml is chosen, you must install the jsoml Python package.

Request Settings

Values in a request settings file correspond to values sent to the OpenAI API endpoint for chat completion.

For detailed information on the TOML format, visit


The instructions sent to the OpenAI API. This value is sent as the first message in the request. It will have the role system. The source text file is sent as the second message with the role user.
Modifying this setting is generally unnecessary. It is a ratio used to calculate the max_tokens parameter for the OpenAI API. CopyAid will estimate the number of tokens in the source file and multiply that estimate by max_tokens_ratio to determine the max_tokens value for the API request output.
The OpenAI API chat completion compatible model to be used.
The sampling temperature for the OpenAI API. For more details on this setting, refer to Hot Copyediting.
The optional n value specifies the number of parallel revisions to request. The default is n = 1. In this case, you probably also want temperature = 0.

Older settings

The chat_system setting has limited support with GPT-3. For this older model, the prepend and append settings are useful for incorporating the copyediting instructions as part of the initial message along with the original source text. These values are added before and after the source text to be revised as the chat message sent to OpenAI.